Medical Care for All Ages
1701 County Rd, Suite H, Minden, NV 89423
(P) 775-782-3933
(F) 775-782-1127

We have exciting news regarding your health care!
As we continue in our efforts to provide you, our patients, with the highest quality of care, we are constantly looking for methods of working together with you to ensure that you are not only aware of but also involved in the maintenance and improvement of your health.
To that end, we are proud to announce that our practice now offers you the opportunity to use the power of the web to track all aspects of your health care through our office. The Patient Portal enables our patients to communicate with our practice easily, safely, and securely over the Internet.
The Portal is a secure and convenient place to manage your health records and those of your family members as well.
Here are just some of the many features that think you will find useful.
Medical History
View your medical history (and that of family members). Medical History includes your Problem List, Allergies, Immunization Record, Lab/imaging/procedure results, and Medication List.
Schedule, re-schedule, or cancel appointments online. Receive appointment confirmation/reminder notifications.
Request Refills from your doctor
Request refills of authorized medications before you run out. Improved compliance means improved health outcomes.
Lab Reports
View the results of labs, imaging studies, and procedures once your healthcare provider has reviewed them.
Begin today to take an active role in managing your health care!
Thank you
Click Here to go to your patient portal!